What midi sound module is best for a me...

Oct 7, 2020
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Back again:rolleyes:
Connected ipad camera connection to mio to organ as per instructions.
Loaded Beathawk app , but can't seem to be able to make anything work.
The app works , tried midi settings on organ.
The keyboard won't play the sounds on the app.
Feeling out of my depth :(
Jun 25, 2010
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Each app has its own place to go for its settings. In Beathawk, there is a pop down menu along the top, close to the center, just to the left of the fake red LED display. In that menu, you'll find "audio/MIDI preferences" -- and on that screen you'll see "Active MIDI inputs" --you should see the MIO come up there, and you'll probably need to click on it to activate it. I'm not sure, but this might be the answer.
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Oct 7, 2020
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Me again.
Info how it worked out.
Tried out apps beathawk and I syphonica.
I don't think it is designed to be operated with a x2 keyboard organ.
After trying many combinations of switching midi channels on and off various ways it seems to stick to operate both keyboards the same.
I was trying to use my on board rhythm and separate x1 keyboard and play app sounds on the other.
Using the backing makes the app go haywire then it boots out.
I can change octaves on keyboards separately though for free play.
Also routing the sound through a surround process avr does give a delay and fast playing can't keep up.
Lots more experimenting to do before I give in and buy a Genos.
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Jun 25, 2010
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I'm not sure I understand, but if you have a two manual organ, and you want an iPad app to respond to one manual and not the other, you need to make sure each organ manual is sending on a different MIDI channel, and then make sure the app is set to receive only on the channel associated with the manual you want it to respond to. Make sure any "omni" settings are NOT selected.
Jun 25, 2010
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p.s. -- if the app is responding to backing tracks being generated by your organ, see if there's a setting in the organ to prevent backing tracks from sending MIDI, or make sure the backing tracks are assigned to a channel thaht is not assigned to anythuing in the iPad. In addition, I remember from another thread that the organ has two different MIDI Out jacks... it's possible that the backing tracks are being sent out of one, and just the manuals out of the other, in which case you'd want to select the jack that isn't sending the backing tracks.
Oct 7, 2020
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Been busy..
Tried all corresponding channels. No omni.
Tried different rear sockets.
Found a internal setting that stops backing tracks and chords and just plays app sounds on lower manual .
I can't find any way of just using upper manual for sounds and lower for chords and backing ...it will not separate one from the other.
Unless I turn off backing altogether.
Guess that's why they use a dedicated digital keyboard for the job.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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In addition, I remember from another thread that the organ has two different MIDI Out jacks...

No, it has two different MIDI IN jacks, but only one MIDI OUT jack:

MIDI IN 1 (KEYB) - for affecting the panel controls or "keyboard" parts
MIDI IN 2 (DISK) - for affecting the "non-keyboard" parts (which are used to play song files stored on disk?)


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Guess that's why they use a dedicated digital keyboard for the job.

Some keyboards are just not as well-suited to be used as controllers, but they can still be used as controllers.

It's possible that you might need to use an additional app or device to filter or even change the MIDI messages coming from the Orla before they're received by the sound module apps. If you're using an iPad, one such app that might help is called Midiflow. The idea is that you set Midiflow to receive the Orla's MIDI, set up Midiflow to filter out any unwanted channels or events, or change selected messages by moving them to different channels or altering the event type or altering the event parameters-- such as transposing Note events-- and then have the sound module apps receive the modified MIDI data from Midiflow.

There are also hardware MIDI processor boxes and MIDI routers that can be set up to do those kinds of things for people who want to avoid using computers or laptops or tablets in their MIDI hardware setups.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I forgot to mention that one possible wrinkle with using one manual (whether upper or lower) to control a sound module app and the other manual to play the Orla itself is that you might have trouble preventing the Orla from generating its own sounds when you're playing on whichever manual you want to use as a controller, resulting in sounds from both at once.

Most MIDI-enabled keyboard instruments have a "Local Control" setting that essentially lets you disconnect the keyboard's manual(s) from its internal sound generators, such that playing on the keys will no longer produce any sounds from the instrument, so you can use the keyboard to play an external sound module without also getting the keyboard's internally-generated sounds. Basically, with "Local Control On" you get the keyboard's internal sounds, and with "Local Control Off" you get no sounds from the keyboard-- at least, not normally.

The problem with that is, Local Control is usually implemented on a system-wide basis, rather than on a channel basis, meaning you can turn it on or off for the entire keyboard, but you can't selectively turn it on or off just for specific channels (even though the official MIDI documentation for the Local Control message seems to indicate that it can target either specific channels or all channels).

The workaround for that hiccup is to turn off Local Control, send the keyboard's MIDI to a computer or MIDI box, filter and/or modify the MIDI as desired, and then route some of the channels back to the keyboard as desired and route the other channels to other sound modules as desired. In essence, you're using the keyboard's manual as though it were a controller to play the keyboard's sound generators as though it were a sound module. This might sound like a lot of hoops to jump through, but it might actually let you get more functionality out of your keyboard than its panel controls otherwise permit-- something for another thread, and which has already been discussed in other threads, so if you're interested in learning more then you might want to search for those threads.

Note that the MIDI settings on some keyboard instruments are advanced enough that they let you do those sorts of things without needing to use the Local Control setting at all. They let you select which keyboard parts you want to transmit and which MIDI OUT channels you want them to be transmitted on, as well as which MIDI IN channels you want to allow and which parts you want them to affect.

But for keyboards whose MIDI settings don't offer that level of sophistication, a combination of using Local Control and using a MIDI event filter/processor/router can work wonders.
Oct 7, 2020
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Thanks for the help.
At least I got fixed up to use new sounds with apps .
I will be over on the Midi forum pages now to finish off my project.
Where would we be without forum pages ??

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