Partial success!!!
I successfully have the JD-Xi talking musically to my Linux Cakewalk!!!
Now for the bad news. It communicates like a Japanese tourist in a Starbucks.
Mostly pointing and pantomime
My next step is writing up an INS file for it. I've put out feelers with all the usual suspects and so far not a nibble. I can't believe this thing has been on the market for a year now and nobody's written up an INS file yet.
It's gonna be at least a couple of weeks if not a month before I can successfully adapt this beast into my DAW for anything more complicated than Hot Cross Buns in G major.
PS. As for that single braced X Stand, I bought it 20 years ago at Radio Shack for an old Concertmate keyboard and it's built like the proverbial brick outhouse. It's extremely sturdy and stable and the keys sitting on top of it weigh no more than 35 lbs together and I never play on those keys anyway. I do all my magic with the Kurzweil as controller for the rest.
Essentially that stand is a placeholder and not much more.