Which keyboard should I buy, Korg PA700 or Roland E-A7?

Which keyboard should I buy, Korg PA700 or Roland E-A7?

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Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Sorry DVG but I missed seeing your post.

With my own PA700 and the other PA models the prime usage revolves aroung using the Songbook and Setlist features.

All Arrangers are complicated but then so are Synths and Workstations until you spend a fair amount of time getting to grips with the Operating system and the general workflow that is required. I am still learning with my 700 and still have to refer back to the manual to do something if I have not done the specific before or simply because I have forgotten.

That said I have all my repertoire saved in the Songbook and I have my own Setlists which is just a way of getting my Songs together rather than them being mixed up in the Songbook with all the ones that come as standard with a PA.

Creating your own Song is dead easy:-

You have a Style that you want to use as the base for one of your repertoire songs, you save it to a User bank and then save it to the Songbook then modify all the Sounds, Pads, variations, fills, drum tracks, FX etc and import a backing track then save the Song again and everything is saved with it. You can then place that Song in one of your Setlists.

This way calling up your song to play it is quick easy and everything is there including the backing track if you want to use it.

Or you can use one of the Template songs as the basis for your own Song.
I cannot achieve this on my Korg Kross 2 and am unsure about how to achieve the similar way of working on say a Korg Krome.

Hope this helps.

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