Exactly! After all, how many voices do you use on the typical gig? a dozen maybe? I kept a "cheat" list with the main voices ... tap "Enter", "512" and play the steel drum solo, tap the Piano to return to the song. So easy, and fool proof -- instead of spinning that stupid wheel while squinting trying to see the names rush by! Only someone who doesn't play music would design a system like that. They're engineers, not musicians.
That is precisely why every Yamaha that I have played soon ends up with me walking away from it, far to many long lists and menu's to go through to get what you want.
Roland and Korg are much superior in that they are easier to navigate and in the case of Korg far quicker to call up precisely the Instrument/Style etc that you want.
With a Korg PA live play is simple. Each Style that you are going to use for a specific Song is saved to the Songbook where it is customised to precisely to suit the song, then once the song is again saved everything is saved with it. Call up the Style again in Style mode and it is unchanged but call up the Song in Songbook mode and all the changes you made are there. You do this for each song and save it, it is a one time task and your Songbook grows, from the Songbook you can create a Setlist for the Gig then there they are,a STS gives you the Song and again another STS and you move on to the next Song.
A system designed by Engineers who also play.