Yamaha YC 73

Jun 25, 2010
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Assuming the SP88 did use a TP8, afaik all the TP8 actions Kurzweil has used have been the TP/8P (Piano) version, with some pretty strong springs, as in my Artis 7. I actually prefer the PC4-7 to that, even though unlike the TP/8P, the PC4-7 gets pretty stiff toward the rear of the keys. But I swapped the springs in my Artis 7 for ones with lighter tension, and at that point, I'd say the TP/8P became better than the PC4-7. But there's a lot of subjectivity to this, too.
Nov 20, 2021
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Thanks AS,
Didn’t know about any of those,
Usually I just play the instrument and I like what I like
Jan 8, 2022
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Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum, and I’m looking to get a new keyboard. I would like to get one keyboard that would fit my needs, that won’t weigh too much (back problems), and will fit into my small Toyota Yaris. I’ve seen several videos on the new Yamaha YC series, and I was particularly interested in the YC 73. I’m primarily a piano player, and I’m used to keyboards with weighted keys. I currently have a Yamaha MX88 and Yamaha P115. I was looking to get a keyboard that has a greater ability to modify the sound at live performances, and that has a better organ section with draw bars. I mostly use acoustic piano and electric piano patches, but I really wanted to work on my organ playing. I am playing in jazz and funk bands, and I’m a church musician. I read that the action on the YC 73 is similar to that of a Rhodes. I wanted to try one, so I called the Guitar Center and Sam Ash stores here in the Los Angeles area. I was told that there was no store in the LA area that had any of the YC series on their floor to be played. They said that it was mostly due to the pandemic. So, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the YC 73 and if anyone had played one and could tell me what the action was like. I know it’s a new series, but I assume that there are a few out there.

Thank you,

Hello Thomas
I am in the same dilemma. Did you get to try the YC73? Did you like the feel?
Nov 20, 2021
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Hello Thomas
I am in the same dilemma. Did you get to try the YC73? Did you like the feel?

YC 73 keys feels like my old Rhodes, nothing like synth keys but nothing like wooden keys either.
Not sure if it’s a happy medium, but it’s somewhere between, subjective to user and their expectations.
Jul 17, 2021
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Los Angeles

YC 73 keys feels like my old Rhodes, nothing like synth keys but nothing like wooden keys either.
Not sure if it’s a happy medium, but it’s somewhere between, subjective to user and their expectations.

I did get a chance to try it out a couple of weeks ago. I found a store that had both the YC73 and YC88. The 88 felt great (better than the Nord Stage 3 in my opinion), but it's a heavier keyboard than what I want (about 40 lbs). The YC 73 action wasn't quite as good, but I liked it too. I would agree with the assessment that it has a similar action to that of an old Rhodes. I liked the sounds, although the acoustic piano sounds didn't quite knock me out like I would have liked, but I suspect that was because of the Peavy amp on the floor that they were running the keyboards through. There was a Yamaha MODx 8 in the same room that had a great acoustic piano sound. It was running through a couple of studio monitors (KRKs, I think...at shoulder level). I'm pretty sure that it was the same piano patch as the YCs (Yamaha CFX). I'm leaning towards getting the YC 73. When I originally posted, anotherscott suggested that the Kurzweil PC 4-7 would also be a great versatile keyboard with fewer than 88 keys. I've decided that I want a weighted action keyboard, so I'm not really considering the PC 4-7, but the Kurzweil PC 4 is listed to have 88 weighted keys and it weighs a pound less than the Yamaha YC 73. It sounds like a very versatile keyboard also. Does anyone have an opinion of the Kurzweil PC 4? Is it just like the PC 4-7, but with 88 weighted keys? What's the action like?
Nov 20, 2021
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If I could carry it, I would get the Nord Stage 3 or maybe even the YC 88, but 30 lbs is as much as I want to move.
Jun 25, 2010
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the {CP73} acoustic piano sounds didn't quite knock me out like I would have liked, but I suspect that was because of the Peavy amp on the floor that they were running the keyboards through.
That could do it. Though also, my experience with the CP73 was that it was too difficult to trigger the higher velocities, making it seem a little "dead" when you tried to dig into it. The new 1.5 update added a lot more customizability to the velocity curves, so it could conceivably be much better now, if you can better adjust the velocity response to your playing.

Kurzweil PC 4? Is it just like the PC 4-7, but with 88 weighted keys?

What's the action like?
I would say it's not wildly far off from the action of the CP73.
Jun 6, 2022
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YC73 has same action as CP73, so maybe you can find that one in some store to try...?

But if by "I want to work on my organ playing" you mean you want to develop better organ technique, I'd avoid hammer actions. OTOH, non-hammer actions will not be as good for your piano work. So the best answer is to use two keyboards. You'd be better off putting a YC61 over your MX88 or P115.
While your trying before you buy dont overlook the Hammond SK great little organ with awesome action. Leslie sim is great too!
Jun 25, 2010
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Hammond SK doesn't offer hammer action, though.

But picking up from some of my earlier comments, I like the YC73 better now than I did then. The recent 1.2 update greatly improved both the organ sounds (via a new Leslie sim) and its piano responsiveness (via new additional velocity options).
Mar 24, 2008
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Camas, WA ( near Portland Oregon)
Looking hard at a YC 73, too. I own a MOX6 and love the organ sounds.
But I miss having more better piano like action.
I play a Roland RD 2000, but its hard to get a really good "organ" feel.
Is that even possible?
Nov 20, 2021
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Bought the Yamaha YC 73 from Sweetwater, so far so good.

Wasn't a fan of ANY of the saved
"Live Set" sounds, but they're easy to change.
Like the organ controls, and piano sounds better than I thought it would, EP's are fine, I'm having fun playing around with it.
Mar 8, 2019
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My Kurzweil PC3x just died and I"m looking for something that will have a similarly light action (it was a Fatar TP40-L) for a mix of organ, synth, electric, and acoustic piano.

The YC73 is looking very promising, especially given the many front-panel dedicated controls--the Kurzweil was always a PITA to tweak sounds. (Nord looks even better in that regard, but too $$$.)

Has anyone played one that can compare to any TP40L actions?

How are the Wurlitzers? My dad used to own a real one which I learned piano on, so I'm always a sucker for a good rendition.
Mar 8, 2019
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Honestly, Kurzweil VAST is a PITA to use. I'd rather have a lot of dedicated knobs and good setup, even if I'm giving up a tiny bit of ultimate flexibility.

Also, the new pc4 uses a Medeli keybed.

The 2700 *DOES* use the tp40L, and is actually cheaper than the YC88. But I'm a bit intimidated by it.
Mar 24, 2008
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Camas, WA ( near Portland Oregon)
Bought the Yamaha YC 73 from Sweetwater, so far so good.

Wasn't a fan of ANY of the saved
"Live Set" sounds, but they're easy to change.
Like the organ controls, and piano sounds better than I thought it would, EP's are fine, I'm having fun playing around with it.
Congrats !
Does the YC series offer an "editor " where you can adjust the settings from a laptop?

My guitar modeler ( Fm9) has one, and its a great help.
Mar 24, 2008
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Camas, WA ( near Portland Oregon)
Honestly, Kurzweil VAST is a PITA to use. I'd rather have a lot of dedicated knobs and good setup, even if I'm giving up a tiny bit of ultimate flexibility.

Also, the new pc4 uses a Medeli keybed.

The 2700 *DOES* use the tp40L, and is actually cheaper than the YC88. But I'm a bit intimidated by it.
I've been thinking about the 2700. What don't you like about it?

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