Can't get Chord Tracker to work with DGX-660 and UD-WL01

Jan 30, 2021
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Hi all,

I'm excited to join the forum! I am having an issue that I just can't figure out, and would love to tap into collective wisdom!

I have a Yamaha DGX-660 keyboard. I purchased the Yamaha UD-WL01 wifi adapter. I'm trying to use Chord Tracker. It connects to my DGX-660 fine. The sound comes through the keyboard fine. But whether I choose a Demo Song or a song that I put on the device, it always plays for 1-3 seconds, and then stops. I press "play" again, and it pauses for 1-2 seconds, then plays for 1-3 seconds, and stops again.

I've tested Chord Tracker apps on three different devices: (a) a Galaxy Note 8 phone, (b) a Galaxy s6 tablet and (c) my wife's iPhone. I get the exact same issue with each device. I tried connecting the DXG-660 in both modes... one using the piano in wifi infrastructure mode where it connects to the router, and the other mode where the DXG-660 itself acts as an Access point, and I connected my phones and tablets to that Access Point. Same issue in both modes.

I thought maybe it was my Internet connection in the infrastructure mode of connecting, but a speed test shows 300+Mbps download and 16.5Mbps upload. The UD-WL01 only connects to 2.4ghz and not 5.0ghz wifi, but the piano is only 15 feet away from the wireless router with nothing in between. I then bought an Xfinity Xfi pod and placed it on the piano to see if that might boost the signal (but it's only 15' away!), but now the darn UD-WL01 isn't connecting to that. But I doubt that's it anyway.

Has anyone seen this issue by chance and have any other suggestions I can try? Please shout with any further question.

Thank you!
Nov 12, 2023
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No. I'm thinking of going for the exact same set up so let me know if you get it fixed. Also, does it allow for connection to any other apps?
Jan 8, 2024
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I too am having the exact same issue and have bought a second UD-WL01 thinking the first one was defective. I cannot figure it out and keep getting an “Error occurred during playback” and it just stops. I’ve tried everything and am ready to get rid of this Yamaha dgx660.
I have also contacted Yamaha support and cannot get a solution from them.

When I connect my iPhone directly to the Yamaha it plays fine but sound is coming from my iPhone and not from the Yamaha speakers. Very annoying.

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