Medeli AKX10

May 29, 2021
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I know most of you guys are on serious synths but whats your opinion on upcoming Medeli AKX10 arranger? The price is set at 545 GBP or 700 EUR and its jam packed with features and high quality sounds.
I wonder why Yamaha is not updating its PSR-S670 model? Why would they leave wide open space for Medeli in this price range?

Thanks in advance for your opinions.
Hi there and I've only just joined today but have been reading the comments on the AKX10 for some time. Perhaps my perspective might be of interest. I was a Korg Sponsored artiste meaning I did promotion for them on first the PA2X then the 3x. I have been watching Medeli for sometime and when this keyboard was announced I really thought this is a break through keyboard for them. I actually contacted the company and have been dealing with one of the owners for close on 15 months now. I actually wanted to get hold of one and offered them my expertise and more importantly they don't have any direct sales in the UK. Initially I had so many emails asking what I could do and how I could publicise this keyboard. However whenever it came down to the nitty gritty they would just never answer any questions..the voices, what samples they use. Availability of more styles as the keyboard grows, after service etc etc. I even offered to purchase the damn thing to get my hands on one and if their actual sales and after service are anywhere near as bad as my experience with them that should sound warning bells. I notice that someone put a video up of Johnathan who often reviews keyboards.. it's interesting that he absolutely slated them over and over in this keyboard and really bad mouthed them...then lo and behold he suddenly changes his tune and it's wonderful...simple answer they are paying him or at least given him the keyboard as usually he claims to buy all his own keyboards and is impartial .. not in this case me thinks.. right down to the nitty gritty from what I've managed to find out. I have a friend at Bax music and they are also sounding alarm bells. Regarding warranty ...there is none! You may get a guarantee from whatever music company you purchase from but in case of any problems.. Medeli DO NOT supply as yet any spare parts and despite requests none coming!! So if it goes wrong what are you supposed to do send it to China!! Next problem...there is not yet any software support or updates, or new styles planned. On a keyboard that was already to go 14 months go this is very very worrying as with this amount of facilities operational updates to fix bugs are a must. Lastly although I have played it the sounds are comparable to a Yamaha Tyros 2/3 whilst this is not bad for £500 plus pounds those keyboards are well over 12 years old...this is truly very out of date despite all the features and lastly the 256 polyphony apparently is a total fabrication and more like 128 which is what Korg or Yamaha offer on their mid range to top arrangers. I was so hoping this would be something to rival Yamaha or Korg who no doubt keep the prices very high but to buy one is a big risk even at £500 updates, no support and no extras very wary!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Hi there and I've only just joined today but have been reading the comments on the AKX10 for some time. Perhaps my perspective might be of interest. I was a Korg Sponsored artiste meaning I did promotion for them on first the PA2X then the 3x. I have been watching Medeli for sometime and when this keyboard was announced I really thought this is a break through keyboard for them. I actually contacted the company and have been dealing with one of the owners for close on 15 months now. I actually wanted to get hold of one and offered them my expertise and more importantly they don't have any direct sales in the UK. Initially I had so many emails asking what I could do and how I could publicise this keyboard. However whenever it came down to the nitty gritty they would just never answer any questions..the voices, what samples they use. Availability of more styles as the keyboard grows, after service etc etc. I even offered to purchase the damn thing to get my hands on one and if their actual sales and after service are anywhere near as bad as my experience with them that should sound warning bells. I notice that someone put a video up of Johnathan who often reviews keyboards.. it's interesting that he absolutely slated them over and over in this keyboard and really bad mouthed them...then lo and behold he suddenly changes his tune and it's wonderful...simple answer they are paying him or at least given him the keyboard as usually he claims to buy all his own keyboards and is impartial .. not in this case me thinks.. right down to the nitty gritty from what I've managed to find out. I have a friend at Bax music and they are also sounding alarm bells. Regarding warranty ...there is none! You may get a guarantee from whatever music company you purchase from but in case of any problems.. Medeli DO NOT supply as yet any spare parts and despite requests none coming!! So if it goes wrong what are you supposed to do send it to China!! Next problem...there is not yet any software support or updates, or new styles planned. On a keyboard that was already to go 14 months go this is very very worrying as with this amount of facilities operational updates to fix bugs are a must. Lastly although I have played it the sounds are comparable to a Yamaha Tyros 2/3 whilst this is not bad for £500 plus pounds those keyboards are well over 12 years old...this is truly very out of date despite all the features and lastly the 256 polyphony apparently is a total fabrication and more like 128 which is what Korg or Yamaha offer on their mid range to top arrangers. I was so hoping this would be something to rival Yamaha or Korg who no doubt keep the prices very high but to buy one is a big risk even at £500 updates, no support and no extras very wary!

Hey Dave. A tip for future posts. Use your enter key once in a while to break up into paragraphs.

A 30 line solid block of text is murder on the eyeballs. ;)

Gary ;)
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
Hey Dave. A tip for future posts. Use your enter key once in a while to break up into paragraphs.

A 30 line solid block of text is murder on the eyeballs. ;)

Gary ;)
Ps I was typing away to get my message across lol...this company is bad news!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
They built my $2000 Hydrasynth. Please don't tell me any scary stories before bedtime :D :D :D

It's all good. ;)

But when I see a hundred lines of block text on a screen my brain goes into confusion mode paralysis. :D

And I've been having an overly complicated morning today.

In the immortal words of Frank Costanza... "SERENITY NOW!!!" :D :D :D

Gary ;)
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
They built my $2000 Hydrasynth. Please don't tell me any scary stories before bedtime :D :D :D

It's all good. ;)

But when I see a hundred lines of block text on a screen my brain goes into confusion mode paralysis. :D

And I've been having an overly complicated morning today.

In the immortal words of Frank Costanza... "SERENITY NOW!!!" :D :D :D

Gary ;)
Lol it's only an opinion and of course if you bought from a reputable dealer etc with guarantees etc you should be fine :)
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
They built my $2000 Hydrasynth. Please don't tell me any scary stories before bedtime :D :D :D

It's all good. ;)

But when I see a hundred lines of block text on a screen my brain goes into confusion mode paralysis. :D

And I've been having an overly complicated morning today.

In the immortal words of Frank Costanza... "SERENITY NOW!!!" :D :D :D

Gary ;)
Just to hopefully put you more at ease I've just done a bit of checking and although Medeli do indeed build the hydrasynth it is a trade mark they have acquired and the company Ashun who has launched it have a much stronger ties with European and British firms for updates , parts etc so all is well. :)

On the arranger keyboard front however I still stand by my comments as Medeli sell and market these direct and it is a shambles
May 10, 2021
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Shenzen, where Medeli are located is a major Technology centre in China.

Just look at a Go Pro video camera then look at all the cheap clones, yes Shenzen crops up again and again as the location where they are made.

They also make products for the major manufacturers and no doubt the tech is borrowed.

Look at how the Chinese have also ripped off vehicles and their clones of Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Rand Rover, Jaguar, Tesla etc are easily found online.

View attachment 2291

So no my comments are not stereotypical, China is responsible for mammoth rip offs.

It's such a gross generalization Mr. Biggles...
Sure, on the internet there are obvious rip-offs, like magic telescopic lenses with 4,000 magnification "till now only available to the army..." and so many such worthless gadgetry.
While in your opinion the Chinese are not able to produce anything of value or original, it does not mean that they will never be capable of totally conceiving and creating something new and better than the competition. Japan and South Korea paved the road. And the Chinese, as a nation, are actually working on it.

So who knows, may be the Medeli AKX10 is a great product, for the price -or a bad product- but it is knocked off simply because Medeli is cheap AND it is Chinese. In the meantime we have the Theranos (talk about rip-offs) and so many other cheaters in our nation.
In terms of science and creativity, the Chinese landed a probe on the dark side of the moon and are implementing electrification on a large scale and huge infrastructure projects at home. Of course we could go back and forth forever, citing anecdotal examples of our achievements vs their achievements, but it would be totally futile.

America is "exceptional", so goes the story, but there is a billion of them, hard working and smart.
Sooner or later.....
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
It's such a gross generalization Mr. Biggles...
Sure, on the internet there are obvious rip-offs, like magic telescopic lenses with 4,000 magnification "till now only available to the army..." and so many such worthless gadgetry.
While in your opinion the Chinese are not able to produce anything of value or original, it does not mean that they will never be capable of totally conceiving and creating something new and better than the competition. Japan and South Korea paved the road. And the Chinese, as a nation, are actually working on it.

So who knows, may be the Medeli AKX10 is a great product, for the price -or a bad product- but it is knocked off simply because Medeli is cheap AND it is Chinese. In the meantime we have the Theranos (talk about rip-offs) and so many other cheaters in our nation.
In terms of science and creativity, the Chinese landed a probe on the dark side of the moon and are implementing electrification on a large scale and huge infrastructure projects at home. Of course we could go back and forth forever, citing anecdotal examples of our achievements vs their achievements, but it would be totally futile.

America is "exceptional", so goes the story, but there is a billion of them, hard working and smart.
Sooner or later.....
Did you not read Dalekwars post as well as mine?

Buying anything built in Shenzen is imo a risk especially if there is no support network in my own country.

Medali have one distribution centre in the UK and zero network of music stores.

enough said.
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
Did you not read Dalekwars post as well as mine?

Buying anything built in Shenzen is imo a risk especially if there is no support network in my own country.

Medali have one distribution centre in the UK and zero network of music stores.

enough said.
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
Actually I haven't commented on China and their ability to produce quality instruments. I'm staying out of that one lol!

My interest was in this particular arranger and i judge it as I would any other produced by Yamaha, Korg, Roland etc and don't forget Roland who i worked for for many years have not exactly been consistent with their arrangers...good ideas but many have been disasters for the company as there has never been a coherent strategy from Japan.

I digress slightly but i remember meeting the then MD of Roland japan and trying to explain to him what players look for in arrangers and the guy just did not get it at all kept talking about the need for wood in keyboards!!! Yamaha on the other hand can be accused of never truly innovating until the Genos came along, their method has always been to make a decent product then upgrade it just slightly with a few more bells and whistles and then wait 3 years before any major advances and then another slight upgrade but they know their market and of course have massive support throughout most continents.

I personally despite using one of the new Yamaha flagships have always found them a totally arrogant company both to deal with from a retail point of view and in the way they treat their loyal customers. I was sent a Genos to try out when it first appeared, and they wanted to know my thoughts. I really gave them a very honest appraisal which was that the styles and drums were superb, the strings and brass , choirs etc were superb, but that the piano samples which of course were my specialty were very thin and lacking in punch for an instrument of this price. I also mentioned that the effects system and routing on the Genos was so complicated and truthfully very bass heavy on all the settings that it made it hard to produce a good recording on either Wav or MP3....

Their answer was I was completely wrong as it Was the most amazing keyboard they had ever made and was near perfect!!! how can you deal with that mindset....thus I don't have a Genos!!

So back to Medeli ....from a purely professional standpoint of the quality of the sounds, the styles, availability of support and updates and as was pointed out to me only one dealer in the UK I would not feel comfortable spending this amount of money despite all the claims. I think the interesting thing to watch will be as and if they grow and hopefully open subsidiaries around the world and have a base in Europe and South America etc that is when we will see more back up, local dealers who will actually have support for their products rather than anything having to be sent back to China. Then they will be real competition for the big players and truthfully they need the competition...what Medeli has proved beyond doubt is that you can produce a decent build and very good touch screen etc at a very low cost and we consumers have been paying through the nose for Yamaha, Korg and Roland for far to long so I do welcome the competition but only when it works!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
From what I can tell, Medeli is mainly targeting Eastern Europe and South America anyway.

They seem to have an aversion to English speaking nations.

However, that doesn't necessarily make it a bad product.

I dearly love my Kurzweil PC3K8 but I'm lucky enough to live in a country with multiple dealers of Kurzweil products. You wouldn't say you'd never trust a Kurzweil simply because UK support reportedly sucks.

When making sweeping judgments about a corporation's reliability you have to keep in mind that these forums receive posts from anywhere from Vietnam to Mumbai to Rio De Janiero to Boston to Nottingham. With that in mind it helps tto quualify your answres if they contain a regional bias.

Gary ;)

PS. They probably don't even want to compete in the supersaturated North American Markets anyway. Maybe they'll remain a niche market or perhaps someday they'll come up with s sure fire Casio killer and brave our markets.

Either way, I doubt I'll ever see the opportunity to play one even in a store here in Canada.
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
From what I can tell, Medeli is mainly targeting Eastern Europe and South America anyway.

They seem to have an aversion to English speaking nations.

However, that doesn't necessarily make it a bad product.

I dearly love my Kurzweil PC3K8 but I'm lucky enough to live in a country with multiple dealers of Kurzweil products. You wouldn't say you'd never trust a Kurzweil simply because UK support reportedly sucks.

When making sweeping judgments about a corporation's reliability you have to keep in mind that these forums receive posts from anywhere from Vietnam to Mumbai to Rio De Janiero to Boston to Nottingham. With that in mind it helps tto quualify your answres if they contain a regional bias.

Gary ;)
I wouldn't have said any of my comments were sweeping at all or biased, in fact i stayed completely out of commenting on the Country as others obviously didn't read my post !


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
My country is proudly displayed under my avatar. I have no idea what country you are posting from.

Gary ;)
May 29, 2021
Reaction score
UK and again you seem to be taking offense , what does this have to do with my country! and still haven't read my post. I don't care if a keyboard is made in Germany, China, USA or by Medeli, Yamaha , Korg etc I am commenting on the machine it's self and if it is fit for purpose. In fact if you had read properly without getting ancy you would have seen I commended Medeli for their sturdy build and touch screen at very cheap prices and indeed think they are are company to watch.
Jun 6, 2021
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I have never had a really flawless Medeli instrument, so far it has only been electric pianos, stage pianos and 1 digital pianos.
What did not work equally well for all of them was a clean touch dynamics, although so far these were only the house brands with Medeli internals.
Pure medeli pianos are not yet on sale in Germany, but there are some smaller keyboards, including the AKX-10. The Chinese have always tried cloning branded products, but what can you do yourself? medeli has existed since 1983, which is relatively young for a company that manufactures musical instruments.
They lack experience, and what seems to be the most important thing is a sensible and strict final inspection. All of this would certainly have an impact on the price, but right now, as with almost all electronic products, the Chinese are unbeatable ... right now.

Sep 16, 2021
Reaction score
I just got the AKX10 from Altomusic. It is the real deal. sounds flat at first. Then I found the EQ, which was set flat, and I was able to get the sound I wanted. Features are well done. Styles were cheesy, but edit the voices in the style, again, whole different game. They love cheesy organs and accordians in the styles. just mute or change it. Must be thier target maket.
This is not a Yamaha PSR clone. This is a workstation, with an arranger built in. If you think of it that way, it is a great deal. Comparing to a $2100 SX900 is just silly, but is good marketing.
Last edited:
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
Zero UK distributors on the list.

Strangely Ireland’s distributor lists Keys under their product banner of which there are only 12 Medeli models listed and no AKX10 and no other manufacturer.
Sep 16, 2021
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Music Store in Germany (i think) will ship to Europe. The shipping was 85 Euros to the US. I decided to wait for AltoMusic with free shipping.
Aug 30, 2021
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Hello, forum members

Since August 2 I made a pre-purchase of a Medeli AKX10, and this week I hope they confirm the shipment.

I have been reading and watching videos about this new model, said to be the Medeli A1000 update, but with improvements that make it similar to the Psr sx700 and 900 or close to the Korg pa700 to the pa900. What if it is clear that Medeli is better than the Casio brand, because it maintains the well-known taste of Yamaha

There is also a style converter from Yamaha to Medeli.

When I have the piano I will share more about it.

God bless you

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