Tyros 2 - getting started - help please!

Nov 18, 2011
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Chester/North Wales/Manchester
One of the4 many features of my new Tyros 2 is the Music Finder. However, once a song is selected and the Tyros sets up the settings for style and voices etc, where can one start to actually play the song ie dod the chord changes come up somewhere and in what inverstion etc? Sorry for being a bit of a dimwit here but I am really new to the Tyros2 and want to use this facility properly. Any hep please guys!!?? WelshPhil
Jun 7, 2011
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Dutch, live in Bali - Indonesia
If you load any seperate style or a 'song'-setup from the MusicFinder it starts playing in the key you hit at the left site from the splitpoint (F#2). The chords follow your left hand playing.
MusicFinder is only a complete 'pre-choice' registration..
Is this is what you mean?
Jan 18, 2019
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I'm an organist at heart but tried with the Tyros eventually to fail miserably. What I did find was an Orla Tradionalle base for the Tyros giving me the lower manual and pedal. The Orla part is simply dumb with all of the intelligence and voices coming from the Tyros. The sounds coming from a Tyros 2 are extremely good and compared to simply playing the Tyros as a single keyboard are far superior. The sounds are always there in the Tyros its just getting to them. Who knows what better sounds are available from more modern Tyros.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Silverfox can I suggest that you bare in mind when the last post within a thread was actually posted.

The Tyros 2 would be pretty new way back in January 2012 when the thread started.
Apr 25, 2018
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I think the answer you're looking for is simple. Once you've selected the PMF song with the data entry wheel, you must then press the Enter button next to the wheel.
That done, you'll see all the lights flash, as the Tyros loads the settings.
Hit any button with your left hand, and off you go.
Yes.... I saw the date, but often people buy older instruments and don't always have a manual to refer to.
If you want any more info, then post again.i have a Tyros2 love it!
Jun 29, 2019
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Lincoln UK
I have used a Tyros 2 + NP30 Twinset for past 12 years. The lower is muted so all sounds are produced from the T2.
Chords & Styles are triggered from NP30 This leave me with a full upper T2 so I can split to 3 voice zones.
After a few years of tweaking mine sounds magic.
Thinking of moving over to Korg but now not sure because of the great sounds I'm getting from T2 dual manual.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I've no experience with any PSR-S, Tyros, or Genos models, but from what I've read, most Tyros owners are very happy with it, so I certainly understand why you might want to keep it, especially if you've come to know it backwards and forwards as far as editing and tweaking.

On the other hand, it can be good to make a change-- new territory to explore, new things to learn, new fun to enjoy, etc.

Is there a store near you that carries the particular Korg models you're interested in? Maybe if you spent a lot of quality time trying them out in the store, it will give you an opportunity to see how well you love them or whether you'd prefer to stick with what you know?
Jun 29, 2019
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Lincoln UK
SeaGtGruff. Yes, I have already visited a local store a number of times and tried PA700 & PA1000 & PA4X.
PA700 is best value but the extras on the PA1000 I'm will to pay extra for. PA4X has a much nicer keybed.
Each time I return home I realize just how good my T2 is which I play every day.
With my few remaining years I fancy a change and my brain is still active enough to learn a different OS.
PS. I have had Korg's before.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Interesting there are Yamaha Genos owners who have been suffering from significant operating system bugs, which is a bit much for a keyboard costing £3,130 here in the UK and it is a further black mark for Yamaha and slap in the face by them to early buyers who paid £3,600 for theirs.

By contrast the Korg PA4X is £2,500 for the 76 key version and for 61 keys its £2,300. Yet this to has more bugs than it should with the worst being sporadic freezing usually mid song and a change is initiated.

Yet with my Korg PA700 and Kross 2 I have experienced zero bugs with both keyboards but watching the live Korg Webinars the features available in the PA4X are so much better than those in my 700 and I could easily be temped to trade in or sell to get a PA4X but as this has been out for a few years if I was to get one as sure as eggs are eggs the new model would be released within weeks. So its Catch22.
Jun 29, 2019
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Lincoln UK
Col. (So its Catch22 ) Yes, it always been the case do you change or wait.
Remember I have already been through this DO I OR DO I NOT.
My T2. went to the T3...T4...T5 & Genos. Funny thing is I'm still happy with my Tyros 2. My be an age problem ?.

When I recently spent time & checked the PA700 & PA1000 & PA4X, apart from the nice keybed of PA4X and knob control layout being different, the sound through my reference headphones all models sounded the same.

Your comment (features available in the PA4X are so much better ) Admitted the 4X has a more pro quality build, bonus for me would be the key feel but......What features would I be missing on 700 & 1000 ?.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
The Recording functions were vastly improved with the v3 Next OS for the 4X.

There is also better voicing, more sounds, better file support, better Eq control the list goes on but it is £1300 mire expensive than my 700 and £800 more than a 1000.

Korg PAs are very well built and of much better, no scrub that, vastly superior quality of materials then similar priced Yamaha models. Look at the Genos, it may sound great but looks cheap next to a PA700 and the 700 costs £2200 less, the Yamaha PSR S series by comparison look like beginner keyboards in quality of materials. So with Korg and especially a PA you are getting a exceedingly well built keyboard.

Back to functions and its the Recording of the 700/1000 that is clunky by comparison to the 4X hence why we wait and see if there is a Next OS for the 700/1000. Unfortunately Korg are not the quickest at updates, the software related to Songbook took them 18 months after the release of these models before it could be used on them. It is a very useful piece of software. There is a Korg tutorial video of about 35 minutes duration on using Songbook Editor. There is also better control of the sound quality in a 4X than the other two models, one of the webinars went through setting up a 4X.

I have been to a Pete Shaw demo evening at A&C Hamiltons in Preston where Pete played a PA4X and a 1000 with both being fed into the same PA system, both sounded awesome but the 4X definitely showed its class in audio quality.

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