Why ask Why When Everyone is a Number?


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
The news today was filled with this week's murder/suicides and shootings as usual and as usual everyone seems flabbergasted as to the motives.

Between Queen E. II and this stuff the grim reaper seems to be dancing a jig all summer long this year.

The news anchors always wail "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?" when the answer is really quite simple.

The phenomenon started in the US back in the 70's which spawned the phrase "Going postal."

Thanks to the Internet and McLuhan's "Global Village" and camera phones everywhere it's being exported world wide.

We are 8 Billion nomads trying to live as a single herd.

We have reduced from being human beings to living as herd animals, reduced to a series of identifying numbers.

So why does someone go postal and why don't we catch it before it erupts? Our only line of defense at that point are psychotherapists and even they have been numbered and automated to a bare minimum. Sometimes all it takes is some simple human contact, or lack thereof to turn a tragic day into a happy ending, but what comes next? Futurama and their Robo Shrinks?

We are 8 Billion Cats, Rats, Predators trying to live peacefully as 8 Billion cud chewing herbivores.

What do you do with a mad cow? Shoot it and keep the herd moving.

Keep us confused and living in fear? The bulls get more aggressive.

So if you ever wonder WHY this kind of SH** happens, it's simply our nature as the apex predator of this planet to cannibalize our own species and remove all humanity from the equation.

Ever seen two dogs fight over the same supper dish?

And some people never learn how to deescalate before the fact...

Food for thought anyway, are we becoming less "human" these days?

Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
Ever since man started living in a pack there has been death and destruction.

The natural order of the planet was to keep a balance, then man learned to control man via fear and opression.

Then religion became radical, christians threatened the gods so they were thrown into the arena, then the Spanish came along with their Inquisition. Meanwhile in central America the Gods were being appeased by human sacrifice.

All the while as centuries progressed man developed the technology to kill at ever increasing distances and with ever more effective weapons.

Then man developed manufacturing technology and man killed man who dared to question the wisdom of applying the technology. Technology ewon and man serviced the machines, they lived in abject squalor with one infected water source and one toilet per four hundred, the air was so polluted than life expectancy plummeted.

Then the 20th Century happened and man got even more creative in methods of killing man.

Then the 21st Century got off to a bang then the next year a crash as nearly three thousand people were killed in an act of terror, yet each year since 2000 there have been at least 14,000 murders each year in one country alone (No prizes for guessing which).

Now Boris the Bad wants to rule the World and is making a hash of it as did his predecessors when they spent 19 years trying to bring Afghanistan to heal only for the USA and its Allies to also fail even more miserably.

So no Gary, man is not trying to live peacefully, man always has and always will kill man.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Well said Colin Trying to make a flock of sheep out of a population of apex predators cannot work with wolves living among them.

People need frontiers to conquer so now we plan to send the wolves into space:p

Why do we always take the easy way out?

We all exist today as a series of ID numbers that live only to serve our predator masters.

It’s hard to be a steer. :p

Gary. :)

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