This looks pretty amazing but it might be overkill
The point is, how much are you able to spend on fidelity.
You could always shell out $20 K for a pair of electrostatic panels but in the end asking us is meaningless until you actually have an opportunity to audition them in a store.
Ask 20 different audiophiles on who makes the best speaker and you will hear 20 different brands and models.
Just don't equate how much you spend with how "good"they will sound.
Just because one is top rated and another is unknown (house brand) doesn't always mean that the cheaper one has inferior sound. Speaker design has become pretty cut and dried in the past twenty years and nowadays the innovations are more in the choice of materials than design choices.
It's all really very subjective. Bring a CD with you with recordings of what you want to hear and listen carefully to each demo until you find the sound that your want.
Right now we're in total lockdown and couldn't do this if we wanted to, but it's common practice for true audiophiles to bring along a test vinyl or CD to make their in store evaluations..
Just don't convince yourself beforehand that if it costs twice as much it must be twice as good.