Covid injection.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
Breaking News . . 3rd wave Covid lurking and ready to flood our community . . "Melbourne" once again.
Man working with quarantine hotel staff tests positive. He has been free to roam freely in our suburbs with the viral infection.
The Quarantine hotel is exclusively for Tennis players and staff who arrived here fom OS. for the Melbourne Open scheduled to start this week. Another gov. STUFF UP!

Good bye 2021 . . It was nice for a month!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Breaking News . . 3rd wave Covid lurking and ready to flood our community . . "Melbourne" once again.
Man working with quarantine hotel staff tests positive. He has been free to roam freely in our suburbs with the viral infection.
The Quarantine hotel is exclusively for Tennis players and staff who arrived here fom OS. for the Melbourne Open scheduled to start this week. Another gov. STUFF UP!

Good bye 2021 . . It was nice for a month!

Patience grasshopper. Rome was not burned in a day ;)

Everyone is still learning as we go with this one. The virus didn't hand out user manuals before it hit and bit by bit we're all getting our sh*t together.

I reached the conclusion months ago that this was going to get a lot worse before it got better and that remnants of this virus and it's mutations would haunt us for generations to come.

So far I've seen very little to discourage that viewpoint.

At least you had your "summer of freedom" just as we up north are looking forward to our "summer of freedom" in a few months.

Just remember that Canadians INVENTED the term "Cabin Fever" with good reason.

As far as I can tell, none of us will see the "end" of this before Christmas 2021.

In the meantime, how was your "vacation" in sunshine and tropical breezes? ;)

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
BTW Ray, if it makes you feel any better, the Province of Ontario alone has been getting a steady 1500 to 3000 cases per day for the past few months. 2/3 of those in my city. :eek:

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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Damn right, Gary! Ya just can't fix stupid! I still know people who are going to refuse the vaccine because "it contains a microchip so the government can control us". Yikes. How does anybody deal with that? The W.H.O. WAS sabotaged from the beginning.

"The biggest problem is not who the men in charge are. It's the idiots who vote for them."
And I agree again!
The sad thing is, the job of being a politician attracts the entirely wrong type of person.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
..........wrong type of person.

Gary, you nailed it with that one.

Thirty years ago I worked in our Civil Service in London for a short while and even met one of our Cabinet Ministers who well made my skin crawl when we had a brief conversation.

It turned out that his nickname was The Paper Clip Kid for cutting down on the use of said stationary product was all he achieved during his tenure in the Department.

Here in the UK the inability to do a job is not necessarily a bar on enhancement.
Oct 9, 2017
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It's called the Peter Principle. That's where a person is promoted to his level of incompetence. It runs rampant in government. And a lot of the world too, I suspect.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
In the meantime, how was your "vacation" in sunshine and tropical breezes? ;)
Huh! Melbourne is not tropical and we have all been banned from travelling for the past 8-9 months. It ain't no holiday mate!
This summer in Melbourne has been the coldest and wettest for decades! La Nina' they say.
BTW Ray, if it makes you feel any better, the Province of Ontario alone has been getting a steady 1500 to 3000 cases per day for the past few months. 2/3 of those in my city. :eek:
Sorry to hear of those high numbers. It makes me feel more gloom. Certainly not better.
We are lucky now here we nailed it to zero cases . . But the stuff up with our governments stupid rules and lack of control will change it all. Watch this space!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Welcome to Canada. Vaccine Whores of the planet...

"You got vaccine? We'll suck your **** for some vaccine man." :p

Ain't it funny how all the traditional alliances go out the window once the spit hits the fan? :p

It's been a million years and we're all still just families of chimps :p

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Here in Ontario we're staying under or around 1000 new cases per day. Death toll has dropped to high single digits, but nobody talks about that anymore. Everyone's too busy screaming "WHERE'S MY VACCINE?!?"

My 87 year old upstairs neighbour had an appointment for her first shot about a half hour ago. When she gets back she promises to fill me in on all the gorey details :D

Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.

The injection does not hurt one bit.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Well, my octogenarian neighbour had her shot and all went smoothly.

She was advised to arrive no more than 10 minutes before the appointment and was on her way home 30 minutes later. She received the Pfizer Vaccine and is scheduled for her booster in 3 weeks.

The poor thing has literally been trapped in the building for the past 12 months.

Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Check on he Gary.

She will probably have just a slightly sore arm but may have other reactions.

My Wife and I had the Pfizer and that is all we had but someone we know who also had Pfizer came out in red blotches over her face the day after the injection, they only lasted a few hours and she had no other side effects.
Feb 25, 2021
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With regard to the vaccine, my wife is a teacher and received her first vaccine dose last week. She will have the second next week, I believe. When it becomes available for me, I will likely get one too. I have asthma and my doctor says I should get it.

I have read the data and considered the rhetoric from both sides, and will get one anyway.

I know there are a lot of anti-vaxxers out there, and they are free to have their opinions, as long as they do not try to stop me from having my own.

I generally do not get into politics, especially in music forum websites, because I try to focus on music.

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Good for you Harry.

It is a no brainer getting the injection, at our age getting Covid could kill us.

The anti vaxxers are another matter, there is already talk of only allowing those that have had the vaccine fly off to destinations and the destinations are themselves saying only those with vaccine certification will be allowed in without going into two weeks quarantine.

I cannot fathom the anti vaxxers, what do they think the vaccine is going to do to them? Do they think that the vaccine is filled with micro robots that are going to re-wire what brain they have and turn them from rampant Republicans to become staunch Democrats?
Feb 25, 2021
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Good for you Harry.

It is a no brainer getting the injection, at our age getting Covid could kill us.

The anti vaxxers are another matter, there is already talk of only allowing those that have had the vaccine fly off to destinations and the destinations are themselves saying only those with vaccine certification will be allowed in without going into two weeks quarantine.

I cannot fathom the anti vaxxers, what do they think the vaccine is going to do to them? Do they think that the vaccine is filled with micro robots that are going to re-wire what brain they have and turn them from rampant Republicans to become staunch Democrats?
I believe that the view of some of the anti-vaxxers is that the vaccine was rushed too soon to the public and no one knows the true side-effects, if any, that would surface. I certainly understand that position, because with ANY other vaccine that I am aware of, it took years to truly know any side-effects. This vaccine took only months to come to fruition. I think that it is natural to be cautious, and maybe even a bit alarmed.

I also believe that some of the anti-vaxxers also feel strongly about being told what to do by our government, much more than simply following the rules set forth by federal/state/local governments. There are a lot of conspiracies out there about who runs what and who is really in control. I am not terribly sure how it really is in other coutnries, because I have only lived in the USA (even though part of my family is from Canada and another part is from Norway (came to the USA through Canada)). I can say that I love my freedom and believe in smaller government. I also believe in integrity, honor, and personal acocuntability, and also believe that NO ONE in our government positions really care about their constituency. I will follow the rules set forth by the governing bodies and by the Bible.

I can say that I cannot remember the last time I had a flu vaccine, and I also cannot remember the time I had the flu. I also cannot remember the time I had a pneumonia vaccine either, and have not have that illness in probably at least a decade.

I also did not want my daughter to have a Chicken Pox vaccine, because I wanted her to have it naturally, like we did as kids. The doctors gave her one anyway... I have read studies about those who got vaccinated for Chicken Pox had an elevated chance of shingles as an adult.

I guess it depends on how one lives their life I guess. I will not pretend to understand other peoples' lives and the struggles they may have gone through. Lord knows, I have gone through many in my life :)



Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
You might think me strange, but I have no desire to be one of the first to madly rush to embrace this nine day wonder when it does finally become available to me.

First of all I live comfortably alone and retired and am not in any sort of rush these days.

Secondly I am not on the front lines daily where the vaccine is needed most and I have no desire to cripple any economic recovery which the vaccine might bring. The people keeping the stores and factories running are my idea of a greater priority,

Thirdly, as stated previously, this vaccine is being rushed to the public with all the blindingly speedy incompetence that our government can muster. When people rush, they make mistakes. I'd rather wait until my odds improve.

Finally, I have the immune system of a swamp dweller. I could probably eat a dead cockroach without ill effect. :p

There are plenty of forty somethings out there who are much more likely to perish from a covid infection than I am.

Let them be the first to get it.

Gary ;)

PS. >>> I've had every single flu shot that came out in the past 30 years without fail as well as the shingles vaccine since I've seen firsthand in others the damage that virus can cause.

But like I said, these covid vaccines are the equivalent of not dotting all the I's and crossing the T's.

I say give it a couple of months and at least see which one is the winner.

Some untested technologies in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines just for starters.
Last edited:
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
There are 60+ million of us cramed on a small set of islands and we have the highest per capita death rate through Covid on the planet.

Hence for us having the vaccine is better than dying, I do not mind being part of a long term experiment, time will tell.

It is a sad outcome that that the most vulnerable in our society have not been adequately protected and that they succumbed to Covid, Now that the injections have been taking place the numbers of older people contracting Covid to the degree that requires Hospital treatment has dramatically fallen.

Our schools are now back in use and today our Grandaughter’s year is the last to return so we shall see if there is any change in the Covid infection trend line in a few weeks.

If the injection allows life to get back to as near normal as possible then for us, that is a positive we welcome.

Governments are Governments wherever in the world they will be. Ours has a lot of faults and a lot of our members of Parliament have made a lot of money out of the pandemic. Our Member of Parliament is also a Cabinet Minister and I would not trust him to organise a pi55 up in a Brewery, its the promoted to a sustainable level of incompetence thing. Given the issues the UK has we in fact have many voters who are of very limited brain capacity, they have to be there is no other reason why Boris the Buffoon was made Prime Minister.

USA is no better but at least there you know that there are 72,000,000 voting citizens who have questionable mental capacity. As a young Brit I had no idea what a Republican or Democrat was, now as an old Brit I am still unsure, The Devil and Deep Blue Sea springs to mind. One thing is very clear about politics in the USA, its all about money and about maintaining the uneven distribution of wealth.

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