Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
I also wonder if that is true of the inbuilt tracking device, if that also degrades with time
The device not only tracks you. It also replaces a cell phone with thought control internet once the 5G Satellite network is up.
For complete schematics and a possible origin to this conspiracy theory is a James Coburn Movie made about 1964 or called "The President's Analyst."
Do a search on whatever streaming service you use if you've never seen it or don't remember it.
I watched it again a few months back on a Roku box but I don't recall what channel. I do believe it was a free channel though.
Back in the early 60's, inspired by Bond's success with "Dr. No" and "Goldfinger", James Coburn starred in a trilogy of Bond Spoofs titled, (in order of release) "Our Man Flynt," "In Like Flynt," & "The President's Analyst."
Great tongue in cheek films that some of us were even too young to see them when they came out.
Do yourself a favor and watch all three. But if you need to understand where "anti-vaxxer bullsh*t" comes from then start with Analyst.