Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
The media was blinded by their own greed.
Controversy sells newspapers they used to say. Now it spawns a hydra of outlets from Twitface to InstaTikTok to networks like Fox which threw all rules of fair play straight out the window.
The mechanisms which instigated the current sickness of the American republic are now secondary to the aftereffects, which we shall all be enduring for the next decade or more.
America's seemingly lethal allergy to anything even remotely liberal or socialist has retarded the development of your society to anything beyond Darwinian Capitalism and the devaluation of human misery as its currency.
Until you can get some of the octagenarians out of the senate and end gerrymandering of voting districts we watch you imprison minorities and murder each other a hundred times every day and the silence is deafening.
You have far bigger problems to deal with domestically now while the rest of the planet cowers at the possibility of another tantrum by a ruling demagogue.
Frankly, Dave Bowie said it best for all of us.
Controversy sells newspapers they used to say. Now it spawns a hydra of outlets from Twitface to InstaTikTok to networks like Fox which threw all rules of fair play straight out the window.
The mechanisms which instigated the current sickness of the American republic are now secondary to the aftereffects, which we shall all be enduring for the next decade or more.
America's seemingly lethal allergy to anything even remotely liberal or socialist has retarded the development of your society to anything beyond Darwinian Capitalism and the devaluation of human misery as its currency.
Until you can get some of the octagenarians out of the senate and end gerrymandering of voting districts we watch you imprison minorities and murder each other a hundred times every day and the silence is deafening.
You have far bigger problems to deal with domestically now while the rest of the planet cowers at the possibility of another tantrum by a ruling demagogue.
Frankly, Dave Bowie said it best for all of us.