Covid injection.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
The media was blinded by their own greed.

Controversy sells newspapers they used to say. Now it spawns a hydra of outlets from Twitface to InstaTikTok to networks like Fox which threw all rules of fair play straight out the window.

The mechanisms which instigated the current sickness of the American republic are now secondary to the aftereffects, which we shall all be enduring for the next decade or more.

America's seemingly lethal allergy to anything even remotely liberal or socialist has retarded the development of your society to anything beyond Darwinian Capitalism and the devaluation of human misery as its currency.

Until you can get some of the octagenarians out of the senate and end gerrymandering of voting districts we watch you imprison minorities and murder each other a hundred times every day and the silence is deafening.

You have far bigger problems to deal with domestically now while the rest of the planet cowers at the possibility of another tantrum by a ruling demagogue.

Frankly, Dave Bowie said it best for all of us.

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
No hard feelings to anyone here, you guys are a great bunch. All I will say is that you cant on one hand say you are prepared to listen to all viewpoints and then frown upon someone that doesn't fit your narrative.

What you are feeling is not political rancor. It is an honest attempt to enlighten everyone as to what caused our current predicament.

We've all stumbled at one point or another but Americans seem to be unable to divert from a self destructive path.

I'm Canadian.

One day, without fail, American tanks will probably surround the great lakes if a madman like Trump rises again.

And to cite personal experience.

My parents were raised in Germany during the second world war. I know all too well what fevered nationalism can do to a powerful nation.

Gary ;)
Aug 7, 2018
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I respect you Gary, but I do not agree with everything you have said. Nor would it be my place to add to this conversation especially regarding America. As I said, no harm and you guys have the right to say whatever and whenever... Peace!
Oct 9, 2017
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Compared to an average american public school graduate, we're turning out Phi Beta Kappas in our country man :)

At least we used to.

Nowadays it frightens me that kids can't tell time on an analog clock or calculate change for a dollar without a machine to help them though :eek:

It goes to show you where the voting public's priorities are.

I always get royally pissed off whenever I hear about BILLION$ $pent on a new stadium while university students are forced to take on ridiculous amounts of debt to get a degree for a job for which they will be overqualified and underpaid. :p

Gary ;)
I know what you mean. It seems that most teen age cashiers get right messed up if you give them a bill and some change and they have to do some simple arithmetic to get to the correct answer. The same one that I had in my head and took me about, oh, 1 second to figure out.
What truly agravates me is when I see some twit getting paid 5 million a year because he's good with a ball. WTF? Can he save a life?
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I stumbled on this thread and was alarmed that you can't go anywhere now without people talking about COVID and politics. It's sad!

What is unhealthy is the viewpoint of the anti vaxers who maintain that the conspiracy theories.

The idiot we spoke to could not comprehend that once infected he would become infectious and has the potential to infect many others old and young.

Whilst the vaccine will help protect it is not 100%
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
The media was blinded by their own greed.

Controversy sells newspapers they used to say. Now it spawns a hydra of outlets from Twitface to InstaTikTok to networks like Fox which threw all rules of fair play straight out the window.

The mechanisms which instigated the current sickness of the American republic are now secondary to the aftereffects, which we shall all be enduring for the next decade or more.

America's seemingly lethal allergy to anything even remotely liberal or socialist has retarded the development of your society to anything beyond Darwinian Capitalism and the devaluation of human misery as its currency.

Until you can get some of the octagenarians out of the senate and end gerrymandering of voting districts we watch you imprison minorities and murder each other a hundred times every day and the silence is deafening.

You have far bigger problems to deal with domestically now while the rest of the planet cowers at the possibility of another tantrum by a ruling demagogue.

Frankly, Dave Bowie said it best for all of us.

Gary ;)
Well said Gary.

America will have to change.

When the current ethnic minorities become the majority then the winds of change will take place.

It is time to make the American Dream available to all and not to the privileged minority.
Oct 9, 2017
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We are seeing a great divide between the pro vacceen people and the anti vaxers. Now I get it that if for some medical reason you can't take the vaccine, that makes sense. But to not get it because you belive that it might contain a "chip", is deadly poisonous, or some other; forgive me here; whack job theory, is just plain stupid. I have friends on both sides of the fence. Here's what I don't understand though. If you catch the virus; oh, I fogot; I know people who claim it doesn't even exist. It does. SO, if you catch it, will you survive? Even if you live you might become a long hauler. Your chances are better for survival if you have had the shot. We know this. All reports are saying that the majority of people now sick with it in hospitals have not had the shot or have had only one. Granted, there are exceptions but there are exceptions to everything. Nothing is perfect and to expect it to be is simply foolhardy.

I'm seeing the vaccinated people now wanting absolutely nothing to do with the unvaccinated. I'm also heading in that direction. I'm hearing anti vaxers crying that it's not fair that they can't go to concerts because they aren't vaccinated. Well, you made your choice. Live with it. We live in a very different world now. As Darwin would put it, adapt or die. Sad but true.

I have a friend who swears the Mayor of Calgary swore under oath that the virus is fake. He got this on Facebook!
Things that make you go hmmmm.
Have a great day!
Aug 7, 2018
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Hmm, I'm done here. I have deleted my last post. I can guarantee you Jeremy that a very small amount of people think it is because the vaccine contains a "chip" but that narrative serves as a powerful tool to just make every non-vaxer sound like a loon.

The best to all of you, no hard feelings.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Hmm, I'm done here. I have deleted my last post. I can guarantee you Jeremy that a very small amount of people think it is because the vaccine contains a "chip" but that narrative serves as a powerful tool to just make every non-vaxer sound like a loon.

The best to all of you, no hard feelings.

Relax Chris. If you feel in the minority here when it comes to being anti-vax, the hateful comments were not directed at yourself personally, but you should take note that on a worldwide scale, anti vaxers are a piddling minority.

Countries like Brazil and India are in desperate short supply, and for an american the choices are multiple vaccines while people around the world for the lack of ANY vaccine.

To me, the stubbornness of the anti vaxers is akin to a 3 year old refusing to eat broccoli and throwing a tantrum because everyone around him is angry and getting angrier by the second.

For governments anti vaxers are a royal pain to legislate around and many huge corporations have already made it a mandatory condition of further employment.

You can't argue with the free market system my friend.

Even Wall St. is telling you to get your shots.

No glove no love. :D

Gary ;)
Aug 7, 2018
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"To me, the stubbornness of the anti vaxers is akin to a 3 year old refusing to eat broccoli and throwing a tantrum because everyone around him is angry and getting angrier by the second"

Really!... If that's how you think then I have proven even more so my feelings to not get involved. If it was akin to a child refusing to eat their greens then trust me there would be many MANY more people getting vaccinated than there is and by your very analogy you have further cemented the ideas and feelings that separate us. Like I have said and I will say for the last time, you guys have every right to think and say what you feel amongst each other. I wish you all well and I will just stick to talking about keyboards!... Cheers!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Chris, if you've really had your fill of this thread, there's an unfollow link at the top of the page that will spare you any further emails.

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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It simultaneously saddens and amazes me that so many of my friends believe with every fiber of their beings that they will be safer and better off without the vaccine. The other common thread amongst them is they also all believe that Trump is the be all and end all.
I don't really know what to say!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Ya know something?

The next time an anti vaxxer logs into this thread I'm going to suggest that he or she move to Brazil or India immediately if they are so gung ho to work out their immune systems. :p :p :p

Just stay the f*** out of my country!!! :D :D :D

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Ya know something?

The next time an anti vaxxer logs into this thread I'm going to suggest that he or she move to Brazil or India immediately if they are so gung ho to work out their immune systems. :p :p :p

Just stay the f*** out of my country!!! :D :D :D

Gary ;)
If it only takes 2, then it's unanimous!
I'm dealing with an idiotic friend who insists on sending me anti vaxer BS. i've asked him poilitely not too so what's he done? He's bambarding me.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.

If I had a so called friend like yours I would give him a wide bearth, he is Trolling you with info to elicit a response.

I certainly would only be in his company with me upwind of him and for as short a period of time as possible.

Latest research seems to indicate that the protection offered by the vaccine decays with time and after six months your protection is down to c70%, in other worth worrying.

I also wonder if that is true of the inbuilt tracking device, if that also degrades with time
Oct 9, 2017
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I'm just deleting his emails before anything else now. It avoids the aggravation. The sad thing is, he's diabetic and is always getting sick. So he's confident that his immune system will protect him? Pardon?

As for the tracking device, haven't all had one since our first cell phone? And so what if we're being tracked. They'll be very bored with me unless they have a weird kink for old white guys who spend a lot of time in the loo! And if that's the case, I'll even set up a camera for them! and a smell-o-phone!

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