Without reading again, If I recall correctly, he did admit that the song probably did subconsciously influence him and that was what the judge cited as a main part of decision that he did infringe. His own admission is what sealed it according to the judge. The judge however ignored what went with his admission and the fact that there were significant differences that were unique to George. To me those differences show it was far from a willful plagiarism and that the chiffons song was only a partial influence. Still, a lawsuit is not supposed to be about "punishment." It's supposed to be about reimbursement of damages and expenses.
I do have to say that you brilliantly did add to the topic with this story and example. It reminds that the bar is very high to avoid plagiarism even if it is higher than I think it should be. It does seem to vary a lot though in various cases. How might it apply to my "riff?" I'm not sure but it does scare me more. Initially I thought I'd first let a few friends hear it for this very purpose and others. Maybe a friend will knock it right off the pedestal saying "that kinda sounds like...." I admit that I was placing some of it's uniqueness on the instrument sound, the acoustics, the style, and the note timing. In that respect I think it will be hard not to be unique. If I ever heard anything close to it I would have latched on and thought WOW and listened to it over and over. But, could it match someones plain sound and straight chords? Easily so maybe but I can't place anything right now.
Just for the record, I never thought "hit song" like this from one of my riffs as much as that screamed at me on this one. I seldom like using bold terms like that about anything. There was a little humor in it for this thread I admit but I wasn't joking either.
As for "what crowd" as someone asked. I already asked myself that as I listened. It has some *80's ish eerie rock ballad" feel to it but also some new age and definitely would jump into modern pop. It sounds very natural yet slightly alien and as I listen I hear a lyrical style that the youngest generation would just fall over for. I think it would hit the youngest first and then expand extremely wide and become a fixture over time.
But then I think Phoebe thought all that too.

No, really there is something to be said for her. I remember some of the first stuff I came up with could have been on one of her albums. I'd like to think I'm far beyond that now, but