Government and Brick and Mortar stores are slow to embrace change. When you have $million$ invested in thousands of XP licenses it's no small feat to bring accounting and inventory and shipping and all the other departments up to speed on the latest and greatest and (buggiest) new operating system and apps.
But I agree that the crappy inventory control system that Sears Canada used played no small part in their utter failure in this country,
Myself I stopped using Windows as my primary back around 98 and for web surfing, email, and even sequencing running Cakewalk under Wine and especially for privacy concerns Linux cannot be beaten. It's stable, it's robust, it's secure, it's very well documented and it's FREE!!! as in BEER!!!
What's not to love?
I just wish that more software and hardware manufacturers would get on board and ship linux friendly utilities with their products.
It's purely for these few idiots that I keep Win 7 around. Just because a device is USB MIDI Class Compliant doesn't necessarily mean that the editors and firmware upgraders will work with Linux.
Anyway, it's like a million degrees out there today and I'm enjoying a well deserved Stella Artois as I wind down for the evening.
I bid you all alcoholic well wishes.