Second keyboard...

Apr 26, 2019
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Bought a 40 inch TV in 2012, which still had RCA and Scart, in addition to HDMI. Only device I had in the house that could be connected using those connectors, was my VCR. Picture quality as awful, though, best forgotten.
My new 65 inch doesn't have any legacy connections, not even component. But I guess you can make everything work when you buy the right adapters/converters.

Anyway, like I said, nitpicking. Bought a PA1000, by the way. Will arrive tomorrow. Don't know whether it's got RCA or HDMI, but I won't let it bother me, since I won't use it. I just hope they haven't made any other changes/improvements to the boards with HDMI in which case I'll demand a new one. I'm watching them like a hawk :p
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I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Did you touch one first? Going by Korg's site, the Pa1000 has a semi-weighted keyboard, and I thought you said you didn't want that? Anyway, I hope you love it-- it looks awesome! :)
Apr 26, 2019
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I don't want a synth action, non-weighted keyboard, only interested in semi-weighted and fully weighted.
PA700 is synth action, PA1000 is semi-weighted...
Apr 26, 2019
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Went back to that store during my lunch break, didn’t have as much time as last week, but went back to the Grandstage and Vox, wanted to have another go. They’re still damn good and very much on my radar, but in all honesty, I feel that I have not yet acquired the skills necessary to make the most out of those boards, in other words, the price is a bit hard to justify at the moment. Tempting, though…
Had a walk round again, and still the same like I felt last week : Yamaha doesn’t do anything, neither does Kurzweil, and apart from the RD-2000, Roland’s is more or less in the same boat.
Went back to the Korg corner, and had another go at the Krome EX, one I’ve been eyeing for a while now. And in spite of the not so favourable reviews, I really like it. Can’t explain it, but just like the Kross 2, I just like it. The sounds are better than the one in the Kross 2, mind you, and I think that’s immediately noticeable. Already liked the Krome EX 73, but now had a little play with the 88. Same keybed as the Kross 2 88, as far as I can tell, so all good there. And the interface, the display, once I had taken the time to browse a little, is actually quite good (a lot easier to navigate and more usable than the FA-08, that’s for sure).
Anyway, I just had to have the Krome EX. Playing it, I love it just as much as the Kross 2.
And yes, I know both the PA1000 and the Krome EX have the EDS-X sound engine, but basically, they're two very different animals and it's a setup that I'm at peace with :)

And then, suddenly, a revelation:p
No, seriously, for once and for all, I wanted to make a final decision on which board to put where. And also, what board(s) to get in order to set up everything properly.
So, no surprise: ordered the Krome EX 88 and that will be below the PA1000 in my house. There, I will hook everything up, MIDI everything together, connect them to my iMac for DAW use, and will run the sound of the Krome EX through the PA1000. To get sound from the DAW on the iMac, and as the Krome EX has no ‘line in’, I’ll have to rely on either the iMac’s built-in speakers (which aren’t that great) or I could use some quite beefy computer speakers still lying around from when I also had a gaming PC (about four years ago, passed it on to my son). Or maybe it's possible to include the iMac in the 'sound equation' by using audio jack splitter cables (in which case that might lead to a complicated mess which would cause nothing but interference)? In any case, don’t want to buy a decent speaker system yet, don’t really have the space for it, just wouldn’t be practical at the moment. So not too worried about that, and I can experiment away since it’s my ‘studio’ ;)

The Kross 2 88 then, as initially planned, will go to the appartment, on a double X-stand which I've already got, and I will move the Laney AH150 over there, as well. No 2-tier setup then (I’ll concentrate on piano, still some stuff I need to study), and I’ll see what I’ll do with my boards when I will have moved for good. If all goes well, and my skills will have improved in about a year from now, I will keep the Krome EX and PA1000, and very likely treat myself to the Grandstage 88 and Vox Continental 73 to complete the ‘studio’. Probably won’t be selling the Kross 2 88, like it too much for that, so it might end up in the living room for the kids to play with (will worry about speakers when the time’s ready).

So, the deed is finally done. Only one question : when running the sound of the Krome EX through the PA1000, I assume I will also hear both boards when I connect headphones to the PA1000 (in which case, the built-in speakers will be muted) ? May seem like a stupid question, but I prefer to ask anyway…
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Jun 25, 2010
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And yes, I know both the PA1000 and the Krome EX have the EDS-X sound engine, but basically, they're two very different animals
Not only different animals, but actually the sounds are substantially different, despite both saying "EDS-X" on their spec sheets. Different wave sets, and even the sound engine itself has different characteristics. It is confusing that they use the same terminology for both. I'm sure they must share some basic characteristics that justify the terminology, but it implies more sonic similarity between the boards than there actually is. There is interesting discussion about this at - check the exchanges between myself and (former Korg employee) Jerrythek. The PA series comes out of Korg Italy while the Kromes have come out of Korg Japan, different design teams, who have their own unique EDS implementation. As discussed there, the Korg Italy version of EDS even has some tricks that the Kronos HD1 engine doesn't have (HD1 being Korg Japan's most advanced sample engine, above any variant of EDS).

You can see some of the sonic and architectural differences between the boards from some of the other specs too... different polyphony implementation, 9-drawbar organ emulation on the PA1000 but not Krome, five insert effects assignable to the sounds you're playing on the Krome vs. one on the PA1000, more wave data on the Krome but without the wave data expandability of the PA1000...
Apr 26, 2019
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Only one question : when running the sound of the Krome EX through the PA1000, I assume I will also hear both boards when I connect headphones to the PA1000 (in which case, the built-in speakers will be muted) ? May seem like a stupid question, but I prefer to ask anyway…

Seems obvious it will work, but could you confirm ?

To get sound from the DAW on the iMac, and as the Krome EX has no ‘line in’, I’ll have to rely on either the iMac’s built-in speakers (which aren’t that great) or I could use some quite beefy computer speakers still lying around from when I also had a gaming PC (about four years ago, passed it on to my son). Or maybe it's possible to include the iMac in the 'sound equation' by using audio jack splitter cables (in which case that might lead to a complicated mess which would cause nothing but interference)? In any case, don’t want to buy a decent speaker system yet, don’t really have the space for it, just wouldn’t be practical at the moment. So not too worried about that, and I can experiment away since it’s my ‘studio’ ;)

Got thinking : the Krome EX will be connected to the line-in connections on the PA1000. No problems there. For the soud of the iMac, I thought that maybe a small mixer like the Behringer Q502USB could solve the problem ? Connect the Krome EX and iMac to the mixer and then connect the mixer to the PA1000 ? Would that work or am I risking damage to the PA1000 ?
Apr 26, 2019
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In my search for the perfect setup, sound and MIDI wise, I had been overlooking one thing : that I already have the perfect setup (i.e. the perfect setup that works for me).
The combination of the Krome EX 88 and the PA1000 works wonderfully well. An arranger and a workstation... what more could you need (@Biggles : guess you were right all along ;) )?
So I'm done overcomplicating things : I don't need mixers, or MIDI interfaces, or what have you. All I need are regular MIDI cables, to connect both boards together, so I can play the sounds of the one on the other, and vice versa.
All the functionality I could ever need, is already in those boards so there's no need for a DAW.

The past week, I've tried out this 'old skool' method and it just works really well for me. I can concentrate on the boards themselves without being distracted or having to move from keyboard to DAW and back again.
Anyway, instead of spending quite a lot of money on accessories and software for the iPad, why not 'mirror' my setup at home for the appartment. So, yesterday, took half an hour to visit the music store I went to last time, and had a closer look at the PA700, which is very similar to my PA1000, but also a lot cheaper. I was especially interested in the feel of the keybed, and although it's not as good as the one on the PA1000, I can live with it, it's not as bad as I expected (felt better than the Kross 2 61, perhaps there really are differences when playing identical keybeds but on different boards).
Got home and ordered a PA700 and a second Spider Pro. And I think the Kross 2 88 is going to be happy as well. I know I am.

In any case, I now have two almost identical setups, and I won't have a steap learning curve using them. Already know the Kross 2 quite well, and getting to know the Krome EX and PA1000. Using the PA700 will be a piece of cake, then.
Hoping I will have improved my skills considerably by Summer 2020, which will make me 'worthy' of playing a Grandstage 88 and Vox Continental 73 (that's the way I see it, setting a goal for myself). But obviously, if I take that step, I won't be able to keep all those boards. That would be too much of a good thing :cool:
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
OK so I cannot resist not coming back to offer yet more advice.

Despite what the specs say the 700 does not have aftertouch which the 1000 does so do be aware if that.

On the USB memory stick you have or will have for the 1000 after Formatting it in the 1000 add a Folder and call it Direct.

Then in the 1000 press Media and in the Menu select the new Direct folder as the one to use for Direct Access, so in this folder you can store all the custom items to keep the inbuilt memory free.

You can also download Osimo for the 1000 and the 700 version for that keyboard. Expand them an put the Osimo for the 1000 on the USB. Load it in the 1000 and you will have about 100 more customized Styles as Songbook entries and Setlist's specifically created from the Songbook entries. You can them use these as you wish ie as they were created our use them as the basis of other Songbook entries of your own.

Korg Bonusware offers a mass of free expansion packs for Korg PA’s they are well worth downloading and putting on the USB memory.


Do not forget to Backup the OS to the USB then also perform a SaveAll routine which is different. Always do these actions before updating the OS, as once you update the OS you will need to perform a Restore and that is what the SaveAll file is for, if you do not do this you will lose all your custom settings.

The Webinar tonight is on Loading and using the Bonusware items so if you cannot watch it live do watch it on catch up
Apr 26, 2019
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Thanks, all your advice is appreciated !
And I knew about the aftertouch, don't worry ;)
I'll try and watch that webinar !


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Wh-wh-what? No DAW?? No computer??? No complicated arsenal of virtual instruments???? :eek:

Just kidding! :cool:
Apr 26, 2019
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Funny :)
I know, so much you can do with a DAW but I don't think I'm missing out on much at this moment. Maybe I'll use one later on, when I've 'evolved' and have regained some confidence in my musical abilities.
But for now, I'll survive without a DAW ;)


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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For me, having an arsenal of soft synths and other virtual instruments has helped to expand both the quality and quantity of sounds on my entry-level PSR-E keyboards and budget MX synth. That's definitely a mixed blessing, because if I were to sell my existing keyboards and could somehow get back the money I've spent on soft synths and other virtual instruments (which I can't do, but still), then I'd have plenty of money to get a really nice synth. But I'm not unhappy with my soft synths-- especially that Moog Modular soft synth from Arturia! :cool:
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
For me, having an arsenal of soft synths and other virtual instruments has helped to expand both the quality and quantity of sounds on my entry-level PSR-E keyboards and budget MX synth. That's definitely a mixed blessing, because if I were to sell my existing keyboards and could somehow get back the money I've spent on soft synths and other virtual instruments (which I can't do, but still), then I'd have plenty of money to get a really nice synth. But I'm not unhappy with my soft synths-- especially that Moog Modular soft synth from Arturia! :cool:


You have to be looking longingly at some keyboard ...... what is it ?



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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You have to be looking longingly at some keyboard ...... what is it ?

At the moment, I'm sort of interested in the Studiologic Numa Compact 2x. But I wouldn't say no to the Moog One. ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada

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