Ax Edge Editor problems

Dec 21, 2017
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So I followed the Youtube tutorials to the letter to try and connect my Ax Edge to the app via Bluetooth. Big suspsise, it doesn't work. My phone's Bluetooth recognises it, it's paired, it comes up on the app, but as soon as I try to retrieve the Program list from the Edge I get this error message: "Unable to read data. Make sure the connection with MIDI devices." (Yes that is word for word, including the poor grammar)

I checked all the settings suggested by the app manual, and all of that failed. Then I tried the whole thing again like it suggests- it failed again.

This is one MAJOR strike against this keytar- this instrument is hobbled without the app. I hoped against all odds that it wouldn't be this way, but to make a professional keyboard entirely dependent on an Android app is wooly thinking to the Nth degree.

Is anyone able to help me with this? I will almost certainy be returning this keyboard if Roland tech support is unable (or unwilling) to get the app to connect. And then this will be the LAST Roland prouct I ever even consider buying ever again. I gave it a chance, and it failed over something this stupid. What a shame.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
I'd imagine the problem is incompatibility with the Android version on your phone.

However, if you google Android Emulators you may be able to find a compatible Android version that will run the app under Windows for you long enough to do your edits and save them.

Just taking a shot in the dark here, but that may be your answer.

Gary ;)
Dec 21, 2017
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Thanks. I'm sure the problem is my phone, it's not the best phone by any stretch. I did finally get it to work when I clicked Inout and Output on the app (which I did the first few times as well)

I didn't know there were Android emulators. I'd love to use the Editor on my laptop.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
I've had a lot of experience with WINE Windows Emulator on Linux, my OS of choice for the past 20 years.

It's hit or miss but basically I manage to run a lot of my Windozer music and keyboard apps on it when I need to.

Not all apps are created equally though. Most of the latest ones insist on phoning home thru the internet and stubbornly refuse to work unless they detect some proprietary flag or library and then I simply make do without.

Anyway, I'm happy to hear that you finally got it working and you might want to try an emulator just for the hell of it :)

Gary ;)
Dec 21, 2017
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Well...I didn't get it working. It only worked that one time. Now it seems to work, but the farthest I can get is the program list, but all it says for every program is initial programs. So it's not reading the list that I saved the one time it worked, and it's not reading the sounds from the keytar either.

In short, it's not working at all.
Dec 31, 2020
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So I followed the Youtube tutorials to the letter to try and connect my Ax Edge to the app via Bluetooth. Big suspsise, it doesn't work. My phone's Bluetooth recognises it, it's paired, it comes up on the app, but as soon as I try to retrieve the Program list from the Edge I get this error message: "Unable to read data. Make sure the connection with MIDI devices." (Yes that is word for word, including the poor grammar)

I checked all the settings suggested by the app manual, and all of that failed. Then I tried the whole thing again like it suggests- it failed again.

This is one MAJOR strike against this keytar- this instrument is hobbled without the app. I hoped against all odds that it wouldn't be this way, but to make a professional keyboard entirely dependent on an Android app is wooly thinking to the Nth degree.

Is anyone able to help me with this? I will almost certainy be returning this keyboard if Roland tech support is unable (or unwilling) to get the app to connect. And then this will be the LAST Roland prouct I ever even consider buying ever again. I gave it a chance, and it failed over something this stupid. What a shame.
I’m getting the same error on my iphone. Could anyone of you help me to figure this out? How to fix it?
Dec 31, 2020
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I’m getting the same error on my iphone. Could anyone of you help me to figure this out? How to fix it?
Finally I found out that there are some issues with iOS 14.2. So once we update our phone to 14.3 it’s working fine
Jul 9, 2022
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Meu nome é Acácio!! Acabei de adquirir um AX Edge e segui todos os passos e não consigo faze-lo se conectar pelo Bluetooth!! Tenho iPhone 13, iPad 4 iOS 15.5 e Android 12 no Z-Flip 3!! Todos dispositivos acham o AX Edge pelo Editor e o reconhece bo In e Output, mas não carrega os dados do AX Edge!! Alguém poderia me ajudar? Obrigado!

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