Second keyboard...

Apr 26, 2019
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Well, I’m all set now :p
Very happy with my Roland FA-08 and Korg Kross 2 88.

However, as I’m traveling back and forth between my girlfriend’s house and mine, I needed something portable. I bought the appartment next to hers and I’m in the process of moving but won’t be there permanently before Summer 2020.
So I bought a Yamaha MX61 and a small X-stand to use over there with the iPad Pro. I’ll be playing music all over the place now ;)


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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The MX models have a tiny screen that displays minimal information, but hopefully you'll be able to get around its settings okay! :)

If you get serious about wanting to do deep programming on it, there's a free Performance editor you can get for it:

There is also some more powerful software that is not free:

The iPad will let you add FM voices to the MX via Yamaha's FM Essential app:

And there's also Yamaha's YC-3B virtual tone-wheel organ program for Windows and macOS:

And there are some free voice/performance expansions you can get:

Apr 26, 2019
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Thx ! I knew about the FM synth app and the vycro, but much obliged for the other links ;)Will also use Garageband on the iPad.

So exciting to get back into music. I regret not having done it sooner...
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I cannot help but think you could have bought better.

A Korg Kross 61 would have given you a very small and very light keyboard.

As a third keyboard then you would not have to learn yet another operating system.

Instead of buying a Kross 2 88 the 61 would have kept outlay down.
Apr 26, 2019
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The different operating systems aren't a problem for me, at all, without wanting to sound presumptuous.

The MX61 is really light as well and is ideal for me to move between locations, especially with the dedicated iOS support from Yamaha. It's also very easy to integrate into my existing setup : I've already lowered the FA-08 and Kross 2 88 on the Spider Pro and bought an extension to put on top, works perfectly. And I just like having the two 'weighted' boards combined as they are now. Also, on the sound front, I believe I'm covered :p
And when I want to take the MX with me, I just unplug (don't need the audio jack cables in the other location, I'll use headphones or my girlfriend's JBL Bluetooth speaker), pop it in the bag together with my iPad and I'm off (I'm leaving the X-stand at the other house) :)

Thanks for the concern but it was a calculated decision ;)
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Jun 25, 2010
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Yup, nice to the characters of so many different boards available to you, as opposed to duplicating something, esp. since it sounds like you'll often have all three boards together. And if you were going to choose one of these three to have in a more portable 61, the Yamaha 61 action is better than Korg's or Roland's, at least in terms of front-to-back consistency.
Apr 26, 2019
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I get your point ;)

Trust me, I won’t be buying anymore keyboards. Only thing still on my list is Logic Pro X (waiting to see if I’m one of the lucky winners in that Cubase Pro 10 prize draw)...

I’m currently playing some piano riffs, mostly pop music, especially Elton John. Moving on to other stuff later on. Enjoying myself...
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Jun 25, 2010
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Keyboards are like Lays Potato Chips-- nobody can stop at just three! ;)
Yeah, I'm a keyboard junkie, I really need to sell some of them. But some that I don't see going anywhere in the near future include...

* Korg SV1 (best EP board)
* Korg Microstation (best knock-around travel board)
* Korg PA1000 (best reasonably light cover-everything board with strong built-in speakers for things like solo cocktail hour gigs and "unplugged" rehearsals)
* Roland JD-XA (really cool knobby analog synth with a bonus digital synth for when you need extra polyphony)
* Roland AX-Edge (because everyone needs a keytar)
* Yamaha: MODX7 (lightweight 76 with great sounds and FM synth)
* Nord Stage 3 Compact: (a clonewheel that does so much more, with great performance controls)
* Numa Compact 2X (super light 88 with aftertouch that can fill numerous roles)
* and probably coming soon, Kurzweil PC4


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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* Numa Compact 2X (super light 88 with aftertouch that can fill numerous roles)

I'm glad you mentioned this one, because I've been thinking to ask about it on a few forums since I got an email about it from one of the online music stores the other week. It looks really interesting, both feature-wise and control-wise. Is the piano action pretty good? I see it has a dual-sensor keybed, rather than tri-sensor, but that's okay if the bounce-back time is quick. Not that I've got any skills for rapidly pounding out chords, but I can at least dream that someday I'll be able to play this...

Jun 25, 2010
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Is the piano action pretty good? I see it has a dual-sensor keybed, rather than tri-sensor, but that's okay if the bounce-back time is quick.
Piano action is above average for a non-hammer action board. Resistance does increase toward the rear, but not as badly as on the low cost Korgs and Rolands. The overall feel does permit a decent amount of dynamic nuance/expressivity, more so than on the MODX7. Like all un or semi weighted boards (except the Hammond XK5), it's two sensor... and also quick.
Apr 26, 2019
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So I bought a Yamaha MX61 ...

Bit disappointed with the MX61. Honestly, the sounds are nice but the whole keyboard and especially the keys feel really cheap after playing it for a couple of days. And it just doesn't 'feel' good, I've got no 'connection' with the board, whereas I just love the FA-08 and the Kross 2. Maybe it's me but the Roland and the Korg have a more quality feel overall...

Popped into a store over the weekend and tried out a couple of other keyboards with 61 and 76 keys.
Going to return the MX61 and replace it with the Juno-DS 76.
Been thinking and going to keep the Kross 2 88 and the Juno-DS 76 at my house as a double setup, and move the FA-08 to the appartment permanently.
So different setup, but still the same amount of keyboards ;)
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I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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The MX is definitely the "budget" model in Yamaha's synth family, so I'm not too surprised. :)
Jun 25, 2010
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It will be interesting to see if you like the Juno DS76 keys any better than the MX61 keys.

Your other moderately priced options would seem to be to get the version of the MX61 that has keys you might prefer (the hammer action MX88), or if you want a non-hammer board that you'll probably think feels better than the MX49/Juno, you could consider Numa Compact 2X or Kurzweil Artis 7 or Roland VR-730 (or maybe Casio MZ-X300/MZ-X500), all of which happen to also have the advantage of giving you real-time drawbar organ functions (which do not exist in Kross, Juno, or MX... closest is in your FA which has drawbar functions, but without real-time controls). Each of those possibilities have their own very different pros and cons, which I could summarize if you decide you'd like to consider them.

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