Second keyboard...

Apr 26, 2019
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It will be interesting to see if you like the Juno DS76 keys any better than the MX61 keys.

I tried the Juno DS 76 in the store and the keys did feel better, IMHO. Plus, I like the whole board better. It's not just the keys, it's the whole construction of the MX. The casing just kind of creaks when you pick it up, something the Kross 2, for example (which is in the same price range as the MX) doesn't exhibit.
Apr 26, 2019
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Taken a look at the Numa Compact 2x and the Roland VR-730. The 730 is more expensive than the Juno DS 76 and certainly dearer than the Numa.
And I'm not looking for another 88 key board. That Roland VR-730 seems cool. Haven't considered it because it might not be 'for me' since it's more of a live performance and organ focussed keyboard but I'm very curious about the feel of the keyboard. Will have to try it out as soon as I can, will try and pop in after work... Coming back to the MX61 : the keys feel just the same as a dirt cheap Casio EZ150 keyboard I have lying around, which is more like something of a toy than anything else...

One more thing : maybe a stupid question but I'm not too well versed in MIDI yet. I currently have my Kross 2 and FA-08 connected to my Mac through USB. Suppose I get the VR-730 (which doesn't come with that many sounds) : can I connect the VR-730 to my FA-08 with MIDI and use the FA-08 sounds on the VR-730, and at the same time, still have access to those sounds on my FA-08 (same question goes for the Numa, really).
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Apr 26, 2019
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Considering the VR-730 now, tried it briefly at the store and like the action, a LOT more than the MX61...
Any tips regarding this model ? Have you read my question above about the MIDI ?
Jun 25, 2010
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maybe a stupid question but I'm not too well versed in MIDI yet. I currently have my Kross 2 and FA-08 connected to my Mac through USB. Suppose I get the VR-730 (which doesn't come with that many sounds) : can I connect the VR-730 to my FA-08 with MIDI and use the FA-08 sounds on the VR-730, and at the same time, still have access to those sounds on my FA-08 (same question goes for the Numa, really).
Not a stupid question at all, especially since even though the concepts are constant, the particulars vary with every board combination. In fact, it's really a multi-part question...

1. Can you drive FA08 sounds from an external board, while continuing to independently play the FA itself (whether with the same sounds or with other sounds)?

Yes. You can do this with a direct connection to its MIDI jack. Unknown to me is whether you can simultaneously have your FA-08 and Kross communicating via your computer using their USB connections while also using the FA's MIDI connection for direct connection to another board. Some boards lets you use their USB and MIDI ports at the same time, others require you to go into a menu and choose one or the other, and I'm not sure which category the FA falls into. (You could presumably also connect all three keyboards to your Mac over USB and use software to route MIDI from one to the other as desired, I've never done anything like that.)

2. Can the VR-730 and/or Numa Compact 2X trigger sounds from another board (in this case, the FA)?

Yes. VR730 has 100 Registrations, Numa Compact has 99 User Programs. In either case, this is where you can save your choices as to which MIDI channel or pair of channels you want to transmit on, over which set of keys. Meaning that either of these lets you play up to two FA-08 sounds at a time from its keys (split or layered). VR730 lets you send out a single MIDI Program Change on any channel, Numa lets you send two Program Changes, one on each of the transmission channels you specified. I point that out because the first approach would be more useful for using the second keyboard to change Studio Sets on the FA, the second approach would be more useful for using the second keyboard to change individual FA sounds without changing the Studio Set (leaving the other sounds you're playing from the FA's own keys unchanged). You could still do the latter on the VR, but only for one sound rather than for two split/layered sounds. At least this is how I understand it, never having done it myself. There are numerous other differences in their MIDI implementations, but the bottom line is that either should let you do what you want.

VR730 vs NC2X is an interesting comparison, I'm not sure of all the differences, but here are some advantages I think each has over the other:

* aftertouch
* built-in speakers
* sliders that send MIDI CC (making them more useful for controlling sounds in another device)
* allows you to apply effects independently to your two split or layered sounds.
* user programs respond to MIDI Program Change (so you can easily select its sounds via another keyboard, iPhone, etc.)
* supposedly you'll be able to load in your own user samples, but the software to do that has not been made available yet

* more built-in sounds
* drums
* looper
* more editable parameters for the synth (using iPad)
* better sounding organ (IMO at least)
Apr 26, 2019
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Hey thanks !
To be honest, I tried the Numa 2x as well, keys feel very good as well. But the Roland is such a cool board, it kind 'speaks' to me, like the FA-08 does.
On the other hand, I started thinking and reading again (dangerous when I do that).
I could combine both the FA-08 and Kross 2 with a second keyboard in their respective places. Get the Numa 2x to pair with the FA-08, and get a Studiologic SL73 to pair with the Kross 2 (in which case, the SL73 is just a midi controller which I can use to spread the Kross 2 88 sounds).

It would be a neat setup, in both locations, and both Studiologic boards would even cost less than the VR-730. I love the looks and feel of the VR-730 but it might just be a bit overkill for me. It's been especially built for gigging, which isn't really my thing...
Plus DAW integration would be fab as well, again in both cases (using an iMac at home, and a MB Pro/iPad pro at the other location).


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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It's like I told you-- nobody can stop at just twelve! ;)



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Well, just make sure you keep them all separated from each other, because those things can multiply like rabbits! :)
Apr 26, 2019
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Been googling a bit further and found this :

It's apparently very good for the price. I suppose I could hook this up to my Kross 2 88 through Midi (using the Kross 2 sounds since the Nektar has no sounds of its own). It only has Midi out so I guess that's all I need, although it seems illogical to have the Midi out on the controller, I'd expect to have Midi IN... But I told you that I'm not all that well versed in MIDI...
The only thing that holds me back from going the cheap route, is the quality of the keys. Not the 'action' in itself, but the noise the keys make (this Nektar seems to have very loud clacky keys). And that's a deal breaker for me. Don't know about the Numa...

Anyone have any experience with the Nektar boards ? A Midi controller would do just fine to add to both the Kross 2 88 and the FA-08. I just want 73 or 76 keys preferably, or when it's more compact, then 88 keys is fine as well. Semi-weighted, preferably.
And actually, both the Studiologic and Nektar have smaller keys than the standard (3,5 inch and 5,5 inch vs 4 inch and 6 inch on a normal full sized keyboard).
Any insights ?
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Jun 25, 2010
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It only has Midi out so I guess that's all I need, although it seems illogical to have the Midi out on the controller, I'd expect to have Midi IN... But I told you that I'm not all that well versed in MIDI...
The controller sends MIDI commands (like "Play this note!") OUT to another board. Your Kross receives those MIDI commands (at its MIDI IN, because the commands are coming IN), and does as instructed (i.e. it plays the note).
Apr 26, 2019
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The controller sends MIDI commands (like "Play this note!") OUT to another board. Your Kross receives those MIDI commands (at its MIDI IN, because the commands are coming IN), and does as instructed (i.e. it plays the note).

Right. I was thinking more along the lines of the Korg saying "I'm sending you this note" :p
Thanks for the heads up !

Know anything about that Nektar ?
The Studiologic SL73 or 88 don't have any MIDI connections so they can only be connected to a DAW...
Jun 25, 2010
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Right. I was thinking more along the lines of the Korg saying "I'm sending you this note" :p
Thanks for the heads up !
It may help to remember that MIDI is nothing but instructions. No audio at all. So the instruction goes from the controller to the Korg, and then the Korg send the resulting audio out its own audio jacks, it never sends anything at all back to the controller.

Know anything about that Nektar ?

The Studiologic SL73 or 88 don't have any MIDI connections so they can only be connected to a DAW...
They have standard MIDI connections as well. And BTW, in addition to Out, they do have In! There can be uses for In even on a board that has no sounds... like merging data from another controller, or giving the unit a command to change to a different stored configuration. For typical basic use, though, the Out is all that's needed.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I tried a Nektar MIDI keyboard at the same time as I tried the Arturia Keylab essential.

I preferred the feel of the Arturia keys so I bought that one.

It interfaces OK with the Ableton Lite that I have and it comes with Arturia software Stage 73 which is their emulation of the classic Rhodes electric piano plus Analog Labs 2 & 3 which are synths
Apr 26, 2019
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Ultimately went for the Roland VR-730. Couldn't resist.
The Kross 2 88 will have to manage without a companion for the time being ;)
Apr 26, 2019
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Ultimately went for the Roland VR-730. Couldn't resist.
The Kross 2 88 will have to manage without a companion for the time being ;)

For some reason, I can't edit my posts anymore, so I'm replying to myself :)

To be honest, I've come to dislike synth action keyboards. Don't think I'll ever buy another keyboard with that kind of action again...
Jun 25, 2010
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To be honest, I've come to dislike synth action keyboards.
Non-hammer actions can vary a lot (as do hammer action boards), you might find one you like someday. But they're inherently not as good as hammer actions for piano. OTOH, they're inherently better than hammer actions for organ.

So far you've tried (at least) MX61, DS76, VR730, Numa Compact 2X, which I think are all pretty different from each other. If you get the opportunity, I think it's also worth trying the Kurzweil Artis 7 I mentioned, which is different again. I believe its keys are longer than the others (one of the concerns you noted). Personally, I didn't like how much force there was in the spring-back, but I was able to locate some lighter tension replacement springs and now it's one of my favorites. But it's all subjective, and lots of people like it just the way it is, too.
Apr 26, 2019
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The DS76 does feel a whole lot better than the MX61, for me personally, that is. But I still prefer semi or fully weighted keys. There's a very noticeable difference between the action of the Kross 2 88 and the Roland FA-08, but I do like both. As there is a difference between the semi weighted keys of the Numa Compact 2X and the Roland VR-730, but I do like both.

In any case, I'm fully loaded now with keyboards, but if there is to be 'just one more', it certainly will not be one with synth action.
And speaking of one more, I'm pretty sure it would be the Numa Compact 2X. I'll just wait until the Kross 2 88 starts feeling lonely ;)
Don't believe I'd mind the shorter keys as much as I mind synth action on a board...

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