Just out of curiosity, what do you think are the major things that draw you to the Kross 88 over the FA-08? For me, a biggie would be the travel weight, but you're not traveling with them. So, for you... Is it the sounds overall? some sounds in particular? the feel of the action? certain operational ergonomics (i.e. separate pitch/mod wheels, front panel legend readability, interfaces for sound selection or editing...)?
First of all, the look of the Kross 2 88, the dark blue, the finish, the knobs, the pads... it just looks cool. And I want to touch it

But that's not the most important thing : I prefer the action of the Kross 2 over the FA ; the FA feels more like a real piano, but still, there's something about the action on the Kross 2 that makes it very enjoyable to play (for me).
The 'joystick' on the FA doesn't really bother me, but I have a slight preference for the wheels on the Kross. But that's not the deal breaker. Although the FA has a large colour display, the interface just isn't all that agreeable in use. It's a lot more detailed than the monochrome one in the Kross, but at the same time, there's too much going on. You can have a bunch of information on there, but the thing is, it gets too cramped too soon. I'd rather have basic but informative readings than too much with unnecessary bells and whistles.
Been looking at reviews of the Korg Havian 30 and Krome EX and those screens are about the same size but are used in a very different way, larger buttons, more basic but a lot more informative and usable. If you know what I mean...
Nothing wrong with the sounds of the FA either (or the VR) but personally, I don't feel they're better or more usable than the ones in the Kross 2 (experts may disagree, but that's just my personal opinion).
In any case, I'd like a two tier keyboard setup for my home, nonetheless. Going to wait and get the appartment ready before I buy a keyboard to play over there (I've got three weeks off in August, will definitely make some progress then).
But if I return the Roland's, I'm going to need a little companion for the Kross 2.
Been looking at different things lately, mostly to put in the appartment, but still, to go with the Kross 2 nonetheless (was going to keep the FA08 and VR730 at my current house).
Still not convinced about the Numa 2x, and been looking at some controller keyboards as well. But ultimately, I will only be complicating my setup and I don't want that, to be honest. I prefer a keyboard with its own internal sounds rather than to rely on a DAW the whole time (and the Numa 2x does have its own internal sounds, I know, but there's something that doesn't appeal to me).
Things like the Arturia Keylab and Native Instruments Kontrol midi keyboards look really nice, but they're expensive as 'just' MIDI controllers.
So, seeing that the MX61 put me off anything from Yamaha (rightfully so or not, you decide), and that I'm not over the moon with Roland either, I think I'd better stick with Korg.
If you ask me, a Krome EX 73 might be a perfect companion for the Kross 2 88. It's got some killer sounds, semi-weighted keys and the dual arpeggiator really ticks a box. The Kross 2 compensates for the lack of pads on the Krome and I can MIDI them together no problem, with or without a DAW.
Only the Win 95 colour scheme on the display seems a bit 'meh'. Wonder if you can change the colours...